Sperm Donor Introductions for Lesbian Couples and Single Women
Okay – close on the heels of Snowflake adoptions we have e-sperm “adoptions.” This gives spam a whole new meaning. Be careful ladies when opening any unknown e-mails or you could get more than a virus or worm! Trojan horse comes to mind . . .
Seriously now I’m not sure how I feel about this new business model in assisted reproduction. If, as they say, every sperm is sacred – or at least half as sacred as a frozen embryo – then new legal models will have to develop to address e-sperm babies. Or will they? Given the radical nature of internet dating, file sharing and now blogging I forsee a time when you can do “peer-to-peer” sperm donation. Just log into Spermster and hook up with a willing donor in a chat room in cyber space.
Can this be regulated? Should it? Is this even adoption related? Are snowflake adoptions? More questions than answers.